Yo, yo yo!
Since last time a lot has happened! I finished the outside of the boat hangar and it is now on display on my new website :D. You can all check it out at http://marianorkvist.com/
Since Monday I have started with a new project. This time around I wanted to make a vehicle. Already in the spring of 2012 I found out about the awesome GM Futurliner, and now I am actually going to make it in 3D. The GM Futurliner was a display vehicle developed by General Motors in the forties. A total of 12 vehicles were produced. They were used in General Motors campain "Parade of Progress", where they displayed the cars and technology of the future. The parade ran in the UD between 1940-1941 and 1953 to 1956. Of the twelve, nine are still known to exist, and car number eight, the only one of the vehicles outside of the US, is actually located here in Sweden.
You should all check out this bus as it is super cool! I, for one was perplexed by the awesomeness of it. I started modeling yesterday and have been modelling for about 6-8 hours. I am quite finished with the outside, there are a few details left. Tomorrow I will make the insides of the bus, I think it will be loads of fun.
My idea for this project is to create the vehicle, shiny new and beautiful, as well as a scene were the car is placed in an interesting environment. The vehicle in the scene will be a wreck compared to the new shiny version.
Now I'm gonna go for a jog, gotta keep dem legs moving.
See ya'll!
onsdag 14 november 2012
torsdag 25 oktober 2012
It's Thursday, and today I am going to Stockholm to visit my family over the weekend. It's going to be great! As you know I have been working on a boat hangar with my friend Aydin. It is nearing completion, on the outside, at least. When the outside is done, I will take a break from this project and do something else for a while, just to get a new perspective and try out something else.
These are two snapshots of what the outside looks like at the moment. There are some finishing touches that has to be done. I will work a bit more on the material on the main building, add a ton of cool decals and collision boxes for all the meshes.
Now I will be going for lunch. Have a great day!!
It's Thursday, and today I am going to Stockholm to visit my family over the weekend. It's going to be great! As you know I have been working on a boat hangar with my friend Aydin. It is nearing completion, on the outside, at least. When the outside is done, I will take a break from this project and do something else for a while, just to get a new perspective and try out something else.
These are two snapshots of what the outside looks like at the moment. There are some finishing touches that has to be done. I will work a bit more on the material on the main building, add a ton of cool decals and collision boxes for all the meshes.
Below are the four different barrels that can be seen in the scene. I made two standard barrels and then imported them to Zbrush and made two different smashed variations.
Now I will be going for lunch. Have a great day!!
onsdag 10 oktober 2012
It's coming together
Yo Everyone!
It has been a while. I have continued working with the environment assets for mine and Aydin's boat hangar project. Soon I will be completely finished with the outside and continue working with the inside. I have already made some meshes for the inside, but they are not at al as finished as the outside.
I will show you some of the models I have been working on.
Here is a door that is placed on a "balcony" of the main house.
Next is a pair of search lights that are placed over a garage type door
And finally, this is a vent, placed at the far back corner of the main building.
All the assets has been created in 3D Studio Max, the textures has been made in Photoshop, with the help of images I have downloaded from cgtextures.com. The pieces has been rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
I will give you a picture of the whole building with all its assets in a while, there are a few finishing touches I want to make first though :)
Have a nice week, I'll keep you posted!
It has been a while. I have continued working with the environment assets for mine and Aydin's boat hangar project. Soon I will be completely finished with the outside and continue working with the inside. I have already made some meshes for the inside, but they are not at al as finished as the outside.
I will show you some of the models I have been working on.
Here is a door that is placed on a "balcony" of the main house.
Next is a pair of search lights that are placed over a garage type door
And finally, this is a vent, placed at the far back corner of the main building.
All the assets has been created in 3D Studio Max, the textures has been made in Photoshop, with the help of images I have downloaded from cgtextures.com. The pieces has been rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
I will give you a picture of the whole building with all its assets in a while, there are a few finishing touches I want to make first though :)
Have a nice week, I'll keep you posted!
lördag 15 september 2012
Saturday Night Crunch
I just wanted to make a quick update. I have continued working with mine and Aydin's collaboration, and I have started texturing some of the meshes I have made. I have also made quite a few new materials in general, But I will only show some meshes today.
First up is a vent that goes on the outside of the boat hangar. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I am especially fond of the rust and the fences in front of the actual fans and outlets of the vent.
Next up is a roof I made for the small house beside the vent. I continued working with a really worn and torn look, and I think it turned out great as well :)
Even though it is party hour this lovely Saturday evening I will continue my modelling and texturing into the first half of Sunday.
Good night, party hard!
I just wanted to make a quick update. I have continued working with mine and Aydin's collaboration, and I have started texturing some of the meshes I have made. I have also made quite a few new materials in general, But I will only show some meshes today.
First up is a vent that goes on the outside of the boat hangar. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I am especially fond of the rust and the fences in front of the actual fans and outlets of the vent.
Next up is a roof I made for the small house beside the vent. I continued working with a really worn and torn look, and I think it turned out great as well :)
Even though it is party hour this lovely Saturday evening I will continue my modelling and texturing into the first half of Sunday.
Good night, party hard!
lördag 1 september 2012
Time for an update!
Yo everyone!
It has been summer, and therefore I have not written anything in the blog for a while, all though quite a lot has happened! I have graduated with a bachelor degree with major in game design and a minor in graphics (:D), I have worked in a summer camp, I have travelled all over Sweden and, of course, I have been modelling!
Now it is autumn again and it is high time to get the gears running again. I currently have two projects that I am working on. Since I have no real environments in my portfolio I have decided to work with that. The first environment is a sci-fi hangar that my friend Elias Press has drawn (I will give an update on that in a few weeks). The other project is a collaboration with my friend Aydin Afzoud. We discussed collaborating and we decided that we should create a boat house together. He will do the layout and the design of the boathouse and I will model and set everything up in UDK.
I am currently focusing on the boat house. I have made a very basic BSP-brush environment in UDK and I am now trying out different kinds of materials that is going to be placed in the environment. It is very entertaining to work with materials, and I learn new ways of getting the right material, every time I am doing it. I am also looking forward to the modelling, I want to develop my speed, and will try to be as efficient as possible. Here are a few images of the sketches Aydin has made with my measurement scribbles all over. I wanted to be quite thorough when measuring everything so that the proportions of everything works out in the end. You can always make changes in the end, but it will be tough to change everything if you realize that the first thing you quilt does not fit with the rest.
Here are two different materials I have been experimenting with. One is a concrete wall and the other I might use as a metal ceiling. There still is some tweaking to do, but I have a start to work with! I can't wait to see everything as a finished environment, I think our collaboration will turn out really cool! Look out for NorkAfzd in the future :)
It has been summer, and therefore I have not written anything in the blog for a while, all though quite a lot has happened! I have graduated with a bachelor degree with major in game design and a minor in graphics (:D), I have worked in a summer camp, I have travelled all over Sweden and, of course, I have been modelling!
Now it is autumn again and it is high time to get the gears running again. I currently have two projects that I am working on. Since I have no real environments in my portfolio I have decided to work with that. The first environment is a sci-fi hangar that my friend Elias Press has drawn (I will give an update on that in a few weeks). The other project is a collaboration with my friend Aydin Afzoud. We discussed collaborating and we decided that we should create a boat house together. He will do the layout and the design of the boathouse and I will model and set everything up in UDK.
I am currently focusing on the boat house. I have made a very basic BSP-brush environment in UDK and I am now trying out different kinds of materials that is going to be placed in the environment. It is very entertaining to work with materials, and I learn new ways of getting the right material, every time I am doing it. I am also looking forward to the modelling, I want to develop my speed, and will try to be as efficient as possible. Here are a few images of the sketches Aydin has made with my measurement scribbles all over. I wanted to be quite thorough when measuring everything so that the proportions of everything works out in the end. You can always make changes in the end, but it will be tough to change everything if you realize that the first thing you quilt does not fit with the rest.
Here are two different materials I have been experimenting with. One is a concrete wall and the other I might use as a metal ceiling. There still is some tweaking to do, but I have a start to work with! I can't wait to see everything as a finished environment, I think our collaboration will turn out really cool! Look out for NorkAfzd in the future :)
söndag 13 maj 2012
Makin' progress
I just want to give you a quick update on my work before I go thrashing into bed! I have been working like a dog for the past week, and I will be working even harder until Friday. I have a dead line to be finished with everything, art wise for my exam work on Friday, the last few days before the work is supposed to be turned in, will be spent on writing.
Here are a few pictures of the models made from the concepts I have shown you earlier. Because it was easier when drawing I combined the plasma ammo with the speed parts, the missile ammo with the power parts and the laser ammo with the range parts. I still have some editing to do, these are just the flats, and I am not sure about everything I have done so far. I hope you enjoy!
Have a good nights sleep everyone!
I just want to give you a quick update on my work before I go thrashing into bed! I have been working like a dog for the past week, and I will be working even harder until Friday. I have a dead line to be finished with everything, art wise for my exam work on Friday, the last few days before the work is supposed to be turned in, will be spent on writing.
Here are a few pictures of the models made from the concepts I have shown you earlier. Because it was easier when drawing I combined the plasma ammo with the speed parts, the missile ammo with the power parts and the laser ammo with the range parts. I still have some editing to do, these are just the flats, and I am not sure about everything I have done so far. I hope you enjoy!
Have a good nights sleep everyone!
onsdag 25 april 2012
Yo everyone!
It has been a busy couple of weeks, and there are more busy weeks to come! Since I last wrote, I have completed the church. At the moment I am happy with the result, but I am hoping that I can play around a bit with dirt textures to really make it cool. That have to wait a bit though, since I have started working with my exam project and paper.
That doesn't bother me though, I have a really fun project going and I am looking forward to working on it. For my exam, I am creating a customizable gun that is inspired by the Ratchet and Clank franchise that is just awesome. I want to create a gun that has the same aesthetics, and I have finished creating the concepts that I thought I should show you!
These were the original concepts, that I then chose my favourites from.
The idea is that the player first chooses whatever ammo type she wants, the ones you can choose are:
- Plasma (purple)
- Laser (blue)
- Missiles (Orange)
When the player has chosen her ammo she can then put together a gun from the three different part groups, these are:
- Grips
- Barrels
- Chassis.
That then make up your gun. There are three different attributes to take into consideration when creating the gun. It is:
- Power
- Speed
- Range
The different parts are better in some attributes than others. For example you can put together a gun with three different parts, that all support power, or you can put together a more balanced gun that are OK with the three different attributes, but is not over powered in one.
Here is a picture of a few variations of different guns. These parts were the ones I thought fitted best. In total there are 3 different types of ammo, 3 different grips, 3 different barrels and 3 different chassis.
The ammo types and eligible attributes has been decided from a study on line, where Ratchet and Clank players answered what types of things they most of all wanted to change with their guns.
These are the finished concepts, but I am sure they will be changed as I go into 3D. I will have to work a lot on making them rounder, as many of the guns in the Ratchet and Clank has rounded parts.
I am really happy with the results so far, and I am looking forward to making these in 3D. My hope is to create all the twelve parts, but I am on a really tight schedule and we will see if I can make it.
Oh, and I finally got my camera, so I am hoping I can get out and take some cool reference pictures as well as textures for my library of images. I have already spotted a few things in Visby that I want to model.
Anyways, I am going to go lie on the sofa before bed. Have a great evening everyone!
It has been a busy couple of weeks, and there are more busy weeks to come! Since I last wrote, I have completed the church. At the moment I am happy with the result, but I am hoping that I can play around a bit with dirt textures to really make it cool. That have to wait a bit though, since I have started working with my exam project and paper.
That doesn't bother me though, I have a really fun project going and I am looking forward to working on it. For my exam, I am creating a customizable gun that is inspired by the Ratchet and Clank franchise that is just awesome. I want to create a gun that has the same aesthetics, and I have finished creating the concepts that I thought I should show you!
These were the original concepts, that I then chose my favourites from.
The idea is that the player first chooses whatever ammo type she wants, the ones you can choose are:
- Plasma (purple)
- Laser (blue)
- Missiles (Orange)
When the player has chosen her ammo she can then put together a gun from the three different part groups, these are:
- Grips
- Barrels
- Chassis.
That then make up your gun. There are three different attributes to take into consideration when creating the gun. It is:
- Power
- Speed
- Range
The different parts are better in some attributes than others. For example you can put together a gun with three different parts, that all support power, or you can put together a more balanced gun that are OK with the three different attributes, but is not over powered in one.
Here is a picture of a few variations of different guns. These parts were the ones I thought fitted best. In total there are 3 different types of ammo, 3 different grips, 3 different barrels and 3 different chassis.
The ammo types and eligible attributes has been decided from a study on line, where Ratchet and Clank players answered what types of things they most of all wanted to change with their guns.
These are the finished concepts, but I am sure they will be changed as I go into 3D. I will have to work a lot on making them rounder, as many of the guns in the Ratchet and Clank has rounded parts.
I am really happy with the results so far, and I am looking forward to making these in 3D. My hope is to create all the twelve parts, but I am on a really tight schedule and we will see if I can make it.
Oh, and I finally got my camera, so I am hoping I can get out and take some cool reference pictures as well as textures for my library of images. I have already spotted a few things in Visby that I want to model.
Anyways, I am going to go lie on the sofa before bed. Have a great evening everyone!
torsdag 8 mars 2012
Hi again.
I thought I should really start to keep my promise and update this blog more often. I have continued working on the church today and I am starting to feel pleased with what it looks like. Tomorrow it will be time for chamfering edges, the entire day. Perhaps not that fun, but quite necessary. I also need to do some clean up of the low poly model. At the moment it is at approximately 12000 polys. I want to get it down to about ten, but we will have to see if it is possible. Here is a picture of the church, still a work in progress.

Also, I realized that my camera has been delayed, and will not be delivered to me until the 21st of March D: I had hoped that I could have taken a walk this weekend and gathered some textures, but apparently not.
Any ways, tomorrow it is Friday, and I am looking forward to the weekend and some relaxing. Hope you have a great evening, I am off to bed and LOTR!
I thought I should really start to keep my promise and update this blog more often. I have continued working on the church today and I am starting to feel pleased with what it looks like. Tomorrow it will be time for chamfering edges, the entire day. Perhaps not that fun, but quite necessary. I also need to do some clean up of the low poly model. At the moment it is at approximately 12000 polys. I want to get it down to about ten, but we will have to see if it is possible. Here is a picture of the church, still a work in progress.

Also, I realized that my camera has been delayed, and will not be delivered to me until the 21st of March D: I had hoped that I could have taken a walk this weekend and gathered some textures, but apparently not.
Any ways, tomorrow it is Friday, and I am looking forward to the weekend and some relaxing. Hope you have a great evening, I am off to bed and LOTR!
onsdag 7 mars 2012
Yo, it has been a while, but I am done with the gun. I actually finished it about two weeks ago :D I thought I should post it now so you all can see it. I am very pleased with how it turned out. I have learnt a lot of new modelling techniques and a lot about texturing. I hope that my new skills will make my next project go even faster!

So lets talk a bit about my current project. At the moment I am building a church. It is supposed to be a Victorian style church, which has proven to be a bit hard. It turns out that the Victorian architecture takes influences from everything when they built their houses. It is hard to get a coherent style, as I am not building a specific church, but rather take bits and pieces that I like and combine them. I hav got some useful feedback and I think it will look cool in the end. Here is a work in progress!

On Thursday a camera that I have bought will arrive at the post and I am hoping that I can use it to walk around Visby in search of cool textures. I have an idea that if I get a big enough library, I can use it to make new materials, nearly every day. That would teach me a lot and I would defenately become way faster at, I think both modelling and texturing. If i know what I can do with a texture, I know what I have to model and not.
Anyways, have a great day!

So lets talk a bit about my current project. At the moment I am building a church. It is supposed to be a Victorian style church, which has proven to be a bit hard. It turns out that the Victorian architecture takes influences from everything when they built their houses. It is hard to get a coherent style, as I am not building a specific church, but rather take bits and pieces that I like and combine them. I hav got some useful feedback and I think it will look cool in the end. Here is a work in progress!

On Thursday a camera that I have bought will arrive at the post and I am hoping that I can use it to walk around Visby in search of cool textures. I have an idea that if I get a big enough library, I can use it to make new materials, nearly every day. That would teach me a lot and I would defenately become way faster at, I think both modelling and texturing. If i know what I can do with a texture, I know what I have to model and not.
Anyways, have a great day!
tisdag 17 januari 2012
Hi everyone,
Once again I have managed to ignore the blog for quite some time, maybe it is time for me to realize that I won't make more than one post every month. I guess that is ok as well :)
Now I have been working on animations and would like to show you what i have accomplished during the last few weeks. We have had an assignment in school were we were supposed to plan and execute a motion capture shoot. after that we should use the data we had gathered, clean it and then use it to make animations. I have never animated anything in 3D before so this was a big challenge.
I have certainly learnt a lot. I have learnt about how to plan your animations in great detail and how important it is to be well prepared, both for the shoot and for the work that has to be put on the animations after the cleaned data has been processed. I have learnt how to make an animation tree, and I have realized just how many animations there is in a game on the market. It is an absolutely HUGE amount of work.
I am very happy that I have taken this course. I have new knowledge of what is desired of my models if they are to be animated properly. From here I want to use everything I have learnt of movements, typology, rigging and skinning to make the best models that I can.
Here are the finished animations that I made for the imaginary game "Everybody's Party Games". My team got the assignment to do animations for a bowling mini game. In the mini game there was supposed to be a walk cycle, game play animations based on the players skills and celebration animations dependent on how well the bowl went for the player.
Enjoy :)
My next assignment will be to make a really well modelled and refined model. I will show you my progress as I start working on it here in the blog. I haven't decided yet what to model, but I am thinking of maybe making a vehicle or a gun.
I will keep you updated on my progress, keep gamin'!
Once again I have managed to ignore the blog for quite some time, maybe it is time for me to realize that I won't make more than one post every month. I guess that is ok as well :)
Now I have been working on animations and would like to show you what i have accomplished during the last few weeks. We have had an assignment in school were we were supposed to plan and execute a motion capture shoot. after that we should use the data we had gathered, clean it and then use it to make animations. I have never animated anything in 3D before so this was a big challenge.
I have certainly learnt a lot. I have learnt about how to plan your animations in great detail and how important it is to be well prepared, both for the shoot and for the work that has to be put on the animations after the cleaned data has been processed. I have learnt how to make an animation tree, and I have realized just how many animations there is in a game on the market. It is an absolutely HUGE amount of work.
I am very happy that I have taken this course. I have new knowledge of what is desired of my models if they are to be animated properly. From here I want to use everything I have learnt of movements, typology, rigging and skinning to make the best models that I can.
Here are the finished animations that I made for the imaginary game "Everybody's Party Games". My team got the assignment to do animations for a bowling mini game. In the mini game there was supposed to be a walk cycle, game play animations based on the players skills and celebration animations dependent on how well the bowl went for the player.
Enjoy :)
My next assignment will be to make a really well modelled and refined model. I will show you my progress as I start working on it here in the blog. I haven't decided yet what to model, but I am thinking of maybe making a vehicle or a gun.
I will keep you updated on my progress, keep gamin'!
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